• Anyone can be a victim.

    Spread love, not violence.

    Your Mother, Brother, Sister, Friend.
  • Find yourself face to face with abuse?

    The hurt stops here.

    Healthy relationships don't hurt.
  • Help end the cycle by breaking the silence.

    Inspire hope--be a voice.

    Friends don't let friends go unheard.

It's not a private matter. It's a public disgrace.

77,540 cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking were reported in Tennessee during 2013.

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Center of Hope Spotlight
Please meet Cindy Sims Executive Director of Center of Hope.
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Feedback from people

Cheryl Underwood

I believe in people and sometimes we forget that we are important. We can think sometimes that we deserve abuse. When raised in this environment, this may be all a person knows. Living if fear of abuse is not living. A person should never feel fear within their home either it be from a spouse or a parent/ caregiver. Sometimes people just need to know that they are loved and they can live a happy life. My motivations comes from knowing that maybe I can help just one person and make a difference. The Center of Hope offers many different services such as offering food or clothing, but what I believe is most important is they offer counseling. This can help an individual see they are worthy to be treated with respect and they are loved.


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It is NOT your fault. You are NOT alone. THERE IS HOPE.